

The Acts 15 Chronicle

The Acts 15 Chronicle is a multi-author book series published by our Society.  It serves as our unique product and contribution toward understanding or implementing the truths of the Jerusalem Council.  The first volume is currently being assembled, and our newsletters will provide updates.

The Acts 15 Chronicle is designed to function as a bridge between the academic community and congregations.  Materials will include various teachings, including academic or accessible.  Academic teachings have extensive citations and are written with scholarship in mind.  Accessible teachings are pastoral level materials, similar to sermons.  The Acts 15 Chronicle will benefit from this broader approach, enhanced by our online technologies and collaboration.  Yet the historical credibility of a printed journal will be maintained, as it will be peer reviewed by our Editorial Board.

Each volume will contain original articles on Acts 15 by various authors.  An introduction will include a “year in review” along with announcing our international award winners.  An appendix will include the monthly updates along with any shorter pieces that were presented on our website.  Depending on quality, a second appendix may include an article based on a Forum Discussion from the previous year, including cited quotations from society members.  A third appendix may include Quotable Quotes from our Society members on assorted issues pertaining to Acts 15.

If your organization would like a free copy of the Chronicle in e-book format, simply indicate such in your “settings” in your account when you join the Society.

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